Encountering the “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” error can be frustrating, as it prevents you from accessing websites. This error indicates that the DNS (Domain Name System) lookup has failed, meaning the domain name cannot be resolved to an IP address.

  • 1) Incorrect DNS Configuration:
    • Misconfigured DNS settings on your device can cause this error.

  • 2) Network Issues:
    • Problems with your internet connection or network settings.

  • 3) ISP DNS Problems:
    • Issues with your Internet Service Provider’s DNS servers.

  • 4) Firewall or Security Software:
    • Overly restrictive firewall or security software blocking the DNS request.

  • 5) Expired Domain Name:
    • The domain name has expired and is no longer registered.

  • 1) Restart Your Router and Device:
    • Restarting can often resolve temporary network issues.

  • 2) Flush DNS Cache:
    • 🔹 On Windows, open Command Prompt and type: ipconfig /flushdns
    • 🔹 On macOS, open Terminal and type: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

  • 3) Change DNS Servers:
    • Use public DNS servers like Google DNS ( and or Cloudflare DNS (

  • 4) Check Host File:
    • Ensure the host file doesn’t have incorrect entries for the domain.

  • 5) Disable Security Software Temporarily:
    • Temporarily disable firewall or security software to check if it’s causing the issue.

  • 6) Renew IP Address:
    • 🔹 On Windows, open Command Prompt and type: ipconfig /release followed by
      ipconfig /renew
    • 🔹 On macOS, open Terminal and type: sudo ifconfig en0 down followed by
      sudo ifconfig en0 up


1) Use Reliable DNS Servers:
Stick to reputable DNS servers like Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS.

2) Keep Software Updated:
Ensure your operating system and network drivers are up to date.

3) Monitor Domain Expiration:
Keep track of your domain name registration and renew it before expiration.

By understanding and addressing the “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” error, you can maintain smoother browsing experiences and ensure reliable access to websites. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.